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How does Amazon FBA calculate the price?

2024-04-01 15:41:32

How does Amazon FBA calculate the price?

FBA's first leg includes air freight, sea freight, express delivery and overseas warehousing services. Depending on the channels and types of goods, there will be certain differences in the calculation of transportation costs. But it is roughly divided into algorithms of how much does the weight cost per KG and how much does a pallet cost per square meter (CBM).
Weight algorithm: B = unit basic freight (TNE) * total gross weight (KGM) Actual weight = physical weight of the goods after weighing
Volume algorithm: A=unit basic transportation (MTQ)*total volume (CBM) cargo volume=length*width*height of FBA first-leg cargo
Take the US Amazon FBA shipping first leg as an example. Shipping can be done by sea or sea card. FBA first-leg shipping means that after the goods arrive at the port, the final leg is to deliver the goods to the Amazon warehouse by express. Because Haipai is a back-end express delivery, it charges based on weight.
FBA first-leg shipping means that after the goods arrive at the port, the final leg is delivered by truck to the designated Amazon warehouse. Since Haika is delivered by a back-end truck, it is calculated based on the number of squares of pallets.
For specific FBA fees, please refer to the quotation given by forestleopard business manager.

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