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Amazon is cracking down! Sellers have already been shut down!

2024-07-30 18:54:07

Amazon is cracking down! Sellers have already been shut down!

Recently, Amazon has been investigating the authenticity of CPC certificates, providing fake certificates will be blocked, toys category has become a "disaster area" again.

01: Sellers have been closed shop

Many sellers feedback, received Amazon notification "shop link down or even face permanent deactivation" of the official mail.

A seller said that the first time he submitted a certificate in April, missing a test. The second time to submit the certificate, the supplier directly changed the certificate, was judged by Amazon fake. The latter made a real submission through the audit, and then sold until July 11th was closed, Amazon's reason is to find the second document is false.

Another seller, who also had his account blocked due to falsified information, warned:

"CPC certificate must remain true ah, do not mess with the fake, and even their own changes in the information inside, such as the manufacturer, manufacturer's address, model number, sample name, brand, etc., privately forged will be ruled fraudulent, directly blocked."

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