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Selling 20,000 units a month! Smart laser pet toys fire Amazon US station  

2024-12-06 21:52:21

Selling 20,000 units a month! Smart laser pet toys fire Amazon US station  

Currently, the pet economy is growing, according to statista data, the pet supplies market has reached $332 billion in 2022, of which the United States is the largest market, accounting for 40%.
Recently, a cat smart laser toy in the Amazon U.S. station search volume growth is significant. Monthly sales reached 23,000 units, jumping to the Interactive Toys forCats category day third. The toy has transformed from a simple laser pointer to an innovative device that operates automatically and ensures that cats are entertained when their owners are not at home.
The product focuses on a small footprint, low power consumption, long battery life and safety. With ! Class Laser IEC and FDA approvals, it will not harm your cat's eyes. Meanwhile, its smart sensor automatically activates for 15 minutes whenever it detects your pet's movement; it can only be activated once every 2 hours to avoid energy waste.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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