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Amazon.com's ‘Refund Only’ is now live!

2024-08-15 16:46:05

Amazon.com's ‘Refund Only’ is now live!

Amazon.com's ‘Refund Only’ is now available for items priced under $75. This mode can simplify the return process and reduce costs, but you can choose to manually turn it off. Sellers have different views on whether to open this mode, some people think it can save the disposal fee, and some people are worried about the proliferation of white john party. At present, there are a large number of whoring tutorial videos on the extranet, and if users get a taste of the sweetness, it may increase the cost of sellers. Sellers can decide whether to open according to their own situation, if the disposal fee is too high can choose to open, and can be closed at any time. However, it should be noted that in the future, users may take ‘whether to open the refund only’ as the shop evaluation criteria, when the seller's situation may be passive.

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